Popularity Poll Comic 4

New poll comic! This time in questions format, which should've been done at the beginning.

( 28 May 2024 )

Comic panel 1

"To Lavender: Why do you wear braids?"

Lavender: "So it is a question this time? I did not expect questions about my hair"

Ruth: "I'm curious about this too. It feels like it would take a long time to do braids"

Lavender: "It actually doesn't take that long, perhaps since I'm used to it. And I'm not really used to other hairstyles than the current one"

P. 1

Comic panel 2

Lavender: "I used to care about my appearance very much, but I suppose my habit changed after..."

Lavender: "Well nevermind that"

Lavender: "Cosmos, you got a question too"

Cosmos: "Ah Yeah! Right"

P. 2

Comic panel 3

"To Cosmos: What's your favourite animal?"

Cosmos: "Well I expected to get the same question as Lavender"

Cosmos: "Anyways, my favourite animal is cats"

Grey: "But Cosmos, aren't you a cat?"

Cosmos: "Cometlings aren't cats, there are quite a few differences. I mean, have you seen a cat that talks?"


    - Have wings

    - Really strong magic

    - Can talk


    - No wings

    - No cool magic

    - Certainly can't talk

P. 3

Comic panel 4

Ruth: "And normal cats can't turn into humans"

Cosmos: "Well, cometlings don't often do that either (I hope)"

Grey: "So, are cometlings just really powerful felines?"

Cosmos: "Can't guarantee if all of them are like me, I've never met others of my kind"

P. 4

Comic panel 5

Cosmos: "I think it is nice to be like a cat. No one can resist such cute and fluffy creatures, right?"

Lavender: "So you like cats because you enjoy the benefits of being one? (Also please get off, you're heavy)"

Ruth: "Cats are cute, but so are other animals! Like foxes bats, deers, lizards, spiders, crocr- (text gets cut off by text box)"

Grey - Doesn't like cats

Wolf: Wolves FTW!

Cosmos: "I guess there isn't much cat people here"

P. 5