Valentines Special 2024!

Album of the major characters of UtSS! I often see people doing edits of characters saying cringy Valentines quotes, and I always find them funny, espcecially if it is a death joke. However in here there will be no death jokes since you don't even know who died or how they died, it's just silly whimsical cards. Like always hover to view my comments, I don't want my rambles to disturb your enjoyment.

( 14 Feb 2024 )

Cosmos Valentine Card, 'Will you be my Laventi- wait that's not it'

Lavender Valentine Card, 'All these flowers and I still cannot stop Laven you (I can't do this-)'

Grey Valentine Card, he couldn't say much tho, 'I...'

Claire Valentine Card, 'You light up my life like a clear sky Valentine'

Solar Valentine Card, 'You shine brighter than the sun, Valentine~'

Jaspers Valentine Card, 'Uh you come here often?'

Bun Valentine Card, 'No matter how little time I have left, I still want to spend time with you'

Mira Valentine Card, 'Our paths may not be the same, but my heart will always follow you'