From my previous blog, I mentioned Good Pizza, Great Pizza , as an example which customer mechantic I wished Potion Craft would have. When I mentioned it, I realised I used to play that game a lot as well, so why not do a review for it as well.
GPGP is a game where you make pizzas for customers, it's a restaurant simulator. A customer would come up to the counter, telling you what they want, then you make the pizza according to their order. The more satisfied the customer is, the more money you earn.
While you run your restaurant, there will be a story for each chapter, containing a new challenge and/or a new rival. As for now, there are 5 chapters, I haven't finished the fifth one.
Personal Thoughts
Like I mentioned last blog, I really like how customers describe their orders. Some of them are straight-forward, but many of them either yap a lot of irrelevant stuff, or really difficult to decode. Like There are some you have to solve a math equation!
“It's time for my math final! I need the one-third of a dozen pizzas divided by two. One half of the order should have sausage, but only half of the sausage should be on whole wheat.”
It is both frustrating and funny at the same time, but that's what makes this game so fun to play. You have to use your brain a lot to not get the orders wrong, and many of the customer orders are quite creative. For example, there is a customer that uses ASL, the character has an animation where she moves her hands.
But here's a downside very related to this. Like with how vague this orders sometimes are, why are they so mad when you get their orders wrong? It might be me being too sensitive, but I feel stressed to get a perfect run every time and checking the list of orders on fandom wiki because I'm so scared of getting them wrong. When you don't make a good pizza, the customer gets all frowny, the mood meter gets mad, and the customer would say something like "Are you trying to cut corners?" NOOO I SWEAR I DIDN'T MEAN TO FORGET YOUR PEPPERONI ;A;.
Despite how charming the game is, I don't like how little room it allows for players to mess up. There is a review mechanic where customers will leave a review at the end of the day. And if you mess up an order, and the customer leaves a 1 star review, it will be there for a while, silently punishing you for that one accidental mistake because the customer was stupidly vague about their words. The amount of discouragement is way higher than the dopamine you get from completing a day.
Another less satisfying thing about the game is it sometimes forces you to slow down because you run out of ingredents that cannot be directly bought for the chapter. You actually have to plant certain ingredients until you complete the chapter, and it would take like 5 hours to get the plants finish growing. While I'm sure it is a way for players to complete the chapter less fast, but it IS a bit frustrating.
While I did say I used to play the game, and enjoyed it quite a bit, the reason I quit the game for a couple years is because I got pissed at the ending of chapter 4. In this chapter, there is a new rival called Angelica, whho ran Big Data Pizza. And basically she price gouged pizza ingredients and stole recipes from recently shut-down restaurants. There's a shop owner who come to ask me for help because her business is struggling and her son was ill. I felt extremely bad for her.
Later in the chapter, the undercover agent found all the evidences of Angelica stealing recipes from shutdown restaurants, and I got the choice to reveal the truth to the public or not. I chose to reveal it, because Angelica hurted so much people. However, I checked on other's walkthroughs later, that if you spared Angelica, you get a record player from her, WHICH IS WAY COOLER THAN A PLAQUE. So I quit the game because I was so pissed that forgiving a major dick has better rewards.
But honestly I'm not as mad now, so I decided to continue the game now. Though I kinda wish you can revisit the story routes, so to not miss out on anything.
So yea, it is quite fun to play this game if you aren't a perfectionist like me, but tbh even being a perfectionist like me still enjoys this game quite much.