from ⇱least to most⇲ viewed... how it should be!

"federiefederi was an account that was very active on the neocities social media app. They engaged in a follow for follow approach to garnering a lot of attention and followers. After reaching a certain point, they decided to unfollow every account they had previously followed, which would rank them in the top 8 most followed neocities sites for a few days. This was a very controversial thing in the community and ultimately their site was deleted for it. Despite that, I think its worth honoring how much work they put into this and letting them know that not everyone hated them." ~Divsel

"Sometime around June, F+F may have requested Wayback Machine to exclude their website, and Divsel's website (the original archiver) was deleted. I decided to download Divsel's archive in the Wayback Machine and upload it to my site, as I worry the last archive of F+F will be taken down too. The reason I want to keep this semi-neighbourhood is because I haven't took the time to check out each website throughly like what F+F intended, and I don't like breaking promises. So F+F if you see this, please do not interpret this as anything negative." ~KiwiMeowo

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prtheodose parhelictriangle sonicbluecore97 mrrobinhood5 disjoined basher fragmentedsand dirtpancakes-site deporitazz hatefulglitch mirrorteru rekanochi ripooof divsel dxcccii

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parhelictriangle thedarkforest papaya-comics sonicbluecore97 insertgenericusernamehere ancistrusbones shungaming sammylux 4calicocatsinatrenchcoat bugdatabase tautozhone jrjenterprises scppersonellonly bass-drop absolutemadness awesomesauce3000 1mbeany resources-hub barri waloeders skiplet87 kyurems-webroom thecrd dirtiestlaundry jacedorian faintlymacabre scoutisnthome jenur2003 visceracocktail gabeishere arithechair castbound lemonaid epicvgmusic mugirasplace ghostchi jonnyharker mrrobinhood5 nullspace smolcatpilot spiedewolf rewitchblade insideclaudiusmind itinerae louceph techrahouse calixcalico krypium chokoreto jhonny-b-squid koiitann themurdererdownthehallcomic disjoined playinhooky b-bones moontoast advil-lavs loveletter4evur where-went-the-swords birdwrongs ayefes screamingscissors libertango infobear cassis literallyfictional oskycmk meyr0s3 jitensha innerchile binnsbin domklr stanleypetz thekillercinnamonroll marxcol woukie dansdungeon wazlords-corner food-court xx2003xx cantodovazio sai12 robocryptid maxcrunch bonno nekatina scarecrowbutch mossalia linksfem objectcomics 2dpinkclouds deepintheforest hello-room a-zone kokouhaia wes-via-imstillchoosingmyname basher pxxels mutsusumi rkgk fragmentedsand vinylvulpes slepeoci mysteryious crackworths cr4yolapc baileylockheart nogravityplan lavenderslair blinkie-autism sekibanki bearsmentioning starflayers pandorify vanillamoth littlpetz calicos-webspace miraclecore bubshub orrwats-stuff reinlibrary miliblue smogwalkers randomzigzag chaz-99 joinspace ramen-guy 8ballbice demegod-dess skulldollar dasg aeroshots coffinsleeper sheepish eloipodio churupan digitalaero dmansweb kabannoneko saprophyte deepslatetiles mihails-guide speedbee411 tessxi lobre nsusato jackalopes horseshoecrab nereidcreation acetrainermeg thelesserword oliviameower sofialovesinuyasha beetlebones gremlin celli duskytel fanimerealm jevi antimascot silicon14 decodreams eggspace cataclysmix spisyto chinad011 namelessmonster undeadorgforloserz aomuroguna neatro ambermin happylampflowers elvenforest vacuum-forest catcard cybherspace goforhoon lovelttr y-o-g-o all-seeing-bunny ridvenge
pentirin loungegalactic agathamaxera anglerfishchef cornpop397 katanya04 sclptures clowdywings rabbitgambit dibs dirtpancakes-site beowulfe popcult frognet elbowthief catlovessoup acorisage smallmunch sylvanianforest gothomousspider thepiratebay66 maraschinotopped 5493 lavenderblues acidicalchemist scribbletoby pumpkibee-thats-me alynxolotl chocov4mp unacarceldelocos hnrikaster aclumpofmoss cloverdoremi angelfishes kris-scapes virtually-isolated happymonkey cherrycloudchiffon kitsunami parvestia tsunderoid hazelonline jetmotocentral mooface hivemindmoshpit 14-4ml yamiyuri grulovia cypressure berry-playground sunnyshines reclaimedbytheocean diavolo-spinoso cfrog solar-cyber-punk lucard bluetails homepc shenaniganery aldernea sava28 sizztuna sp1nningn4ils symphonic foxthing playingps2 bytemaulsoftpaw chordata jasm1nii dustedpink 2006seamonster juice-terminal cybercentre absolutelyaya serenegecko wishesforfishes moosen abyssbloom starhaven shiningforcelibrary hellacool furbee deporitazz bugkisser lostpages candymilk sachersketchbook rem00 arkfeather velvet-boutique n-has-a-site afellowu burhfart internetwerewolf worm-lungs mspaintdemon aioi pandurso tvkid iztopher lalli-land its-priestess fudgikakes al-the-raven slaid dogmotif meekachu swampgremlin popisbubbles dulcesilly wacky-hijinks godza vultur3 indylandia the-strange-nexus madesuki renstyler astraya pastelbunnybab wi-fi wayyward unnamedriddle randoseru babywormcore backstage reallyreallybored dhampirave daveysmicrowave pacobell15 beelzebabe bubbly poptartbox pumpkintoast hoiidaygirl1225 spiritcellarart kalachuchi thebrightesteyes blackmagegaming aoki553 aineop selkiehimbo plourples funkydealer fustilugz adolescentknight robkies garblegarden hatefulglitch cawsmicentity datoxicwaltz a-blue-in-a-sea-of-reds brainimpediment shiga oerrorpage the13thchild thecorrid obliviousally yukkidev pixelmoondust rm94 concealederrors factoryvampire nonexistentfandomsfandom strangetowngirl lukaszone tempoyak1kan 1dkreally wg2k glazeliights pickeraparter geekula nicolasperez mely mirrorteru nerucom cyberdemon leviathren alcatrazisland kiwimeowo catboo krokodil crow-queen rekanochi prophetofthesun
boypussy catbyte maniraptorans lovey coeurl wiichicken aei wangobangy tripixel chipsfunfun jefbecker uksz jaggiescrapper ripooof embarrasseddragon234 freaksaint yebisu cobycat lightparty hydromecha blankbarrel gliczide 10kph natmsearch soyatoast speedmaggots anewchanceanewday shwintykat elite784 murderscene xxhalfemptyxx solitarygamer the-13th-struggle werewolfdaddy gummywormhydra awababa
madewithrealsugar cosmic-kiko spiders caitsith antiamorous wrender chocolaterevel butt0n-z jt802t epic1 puddingpudds strawbebby228 naikomy phrogee liminalphotos miela583 bruisedgh0st sakuradreams foggybear42 malice-in-wonderland snewberry anonicus humanityisnotbeautiful komichi sapero bonkiscoolsite gogogal crygorcrisis divsel dimwit dxcccii yapi bisuko myblace ninacti0n blissnet spiritcellar 44nifty
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