KiwiMeowo's Home

What's up

Drawing of Cosmos, Lavender, Grey, Ruth and Wolf Drawing of Cosmos, Lavender, Kyrea and Jaspers in a group photo

Welcome to Kiwi's website, this is where I will post random stuff, like fandom rambles and original art stuff. As a socially-awkward person, I found it extremely difficult to express myself, even on the internet. Fortunately, I found sharing on my own site is way less stressful, and unlike in other social media, I don't have to worry about likes or views, it feels more comfortable talking about my more personal stuff. So here you might understand me more!

Note that the layout is heavily modified from a template, all credits are in the footer.

Either way, if anyone is looking at my posts, hope you will (somehow) enjoy my rambles.

- This website is mobile-friendly, but it is recommended to view on desktop display.
- This website utilizes Javascript
- This website will contain swears, dark topics in blogs, and men/women without shirts, just in case you don't like them.

( Site created: 3 Aug 2023 )

☆ Special Announcement ☆

Happy birthday Jaspers, Penelope and Bun! And now, time to release the starflakes!

Drawing of Jaspers, Penelope and Bun

( 29 Sep 2024 )

Newest Content!

New Art:

New Blog:



My best works

If you want to see more, check out my art page ( Hover to see my comments )

Drawing of Lavender and Cosmos Drawing of Jaspers and Claire Birthday art for Lavender Digital drawing of Cosmos Cover image for the short comic, Charm! Part 1 Paper doll Cosmos and Lavender Drawing of Cosmos, Lavender, Kyrea and Jaspers in a group photo

! E-sim for Gaza !

Art by
Eric Jones

via Cartoonist Cooperative ‘Buy an E-Sim for Gaza’ Donation Drive

Which of the following OCs are your fav? free polls

Cool sites and people

GIF Animation:

CSS Animation:

A glimpse of my OCs' lives

Ruth: It's almost noon already, you should wake up!

Cosmos: Mhnnnn, 5 more minutes...

Lavender: You are surprisingly considerate towards people.

Grey: Really? I used to be told that I am quite troublesome...

Grey: Aren't you worried I might break some of your equipment?

Wolf: If we don't ever test them out, how would we even know of they work?

Cosmos: Woah... Your writing is so abstract I can't understand.

Lavender: My notes is not intended for anyone else to understand after all.

Wolf: Sigh... How many times do I have to heal you?

Ruth: Hehe sorry, I will be careful next time!

Cosmos: Hey Lavender, what do you want to do when this is over?

Lavender: ...I'm not sure myself.

Wolf: I shall conquer this world with my best partner!

Cosmos:I didn't ask you, did I?

Ruth: For me, I would want to travel the world and discover more magic. How about Grey?

Grey: I will continue looking for the truth of this world... I want to understand what happened to my friends.


Some minor bugs fixes in the collapsibles, also changed fonts for Chinese and Japanese characters, this one looks way better

( 12 Oct 2024 )

Blog page update, now you can check the tags you wanna see, and exclude tags you dont wanna see! I worked so hard on this :DD (plsdontfindanybugs), also I forgot to mention now there's a close button on every collapsible, you don't have to scroll back up to the button after you read a blog!

( 11 Oct 2024 )

Major improvement in Blog Page, each blogs now have tags, and you can select what tags you wanna see. All bugs should be solved, god JS is my prison.

( 10 Oct 2024 )

Now art galleries are iframe-less, also the problem where no title attribute is shown on hovering hover the hetch() image is solved, I can now rest in peace~

Blog page is now iframe-less using fetch(), but I have to do so much mental gymnastics because it always fucks up the javascript, god I don't want to feel this again. Also fixed the collapsible issue where sometimes the content will clip under the next section, but it is at the cost of smooth transition (nvm i saved it)

( 9 Oct 2024 )

Tried out a new form of art gallery without iframe, IDK if it would load faster or slower, please tell me if the gallery performs worse

( 8 Oct 2024 )

Small changes in Claire's design, and some more css changes, I hate my perfectionism

( 5 Oct 2024 )

Some large but unoticeable changes through out the site, probably pointless but I prefer things to be tidier. Oh also I don't have to input the page numbers manually everytime I add a new page in the art gallery.

( 4 Oct 2024 )

Some format editing and improvements in the galleries, now I can crop the thumbnails, finally

( 3 Oct 2024 )

Some cleaning up :3

( 2 Oct 2024 )

New javascript stuff in blog so it will type in the date on the bottom corner of the post instead of having to type in the date twice.

( 29 Sep 2024 )

CSS cleaning, and improved the status box in my blogs. Life update: I feel like my brain is floating away from me... Oh and the checkboxes are styled, took me a while.

( 26 Sep 2024 )

CSS cleaning again, also it feels like I haven't touched this site for a long time, even though it only has been 3 days...

( 25 Sep 2024 )

Some more CSS cleaning here and there...

( 22 Sep 2024 )

Refresh button go clicky clicky, also I focused in cleaning up my CSS sheet too hard, it's 12am...

( 21 Sep 2024 )

Song page updated, I will update it more because the Youtube playlist is kinda broken rn

Some CSS sheet cleaning~

Most importantly, OC chat section is updated! This part is inspired by Ninacti0n, where the website has a OC live chat. I wanted to do something similar, but you can see simple and small moments between my OCs every refresh or clicking the refresh button. You can also pretend to chat with them by typing in the text box (You can't send them sadly, fourth wall too strong).

( 20 Sep 2024 )

Pome's crime list updated, I love my girlboss

( 15 Sep 2024 )

Some style modifications in the galleries and the sidebar and guestbook buttons. Also the animation in the neighbour button section is now toggleable!

( 14 Sep 2024 )

Updated Jaspers' ref a bit, why did I make his gem shaped so strangely, rectangle option is right there?????

( 11 Sep 2024 )

Layout error fixing, noticed layout's fucked up on my Ipad

( 9 Sep 2024 )

Some modifications in one of the secret writing pages, I think I have improved in writing emotions and scenes

New stuff added in Grey, Lav, RS page, and bio updated for Bun

( 7 Sep 2024 )

Added Bun's page, now it's seperate from RS' page. But since I want to maintain a sense of mysteriousness of Bun, I'll not put it in the OC menu, so it is a semi-secret.

Some layout edits also

( 29 Aug 2024 )

Some CSS house cleaning today, and also added some stuff in my about page, and added some disclaimers in my arts page, which I should have added earlier

( 29 Aug 2024 )

Removed the scrollbar-color properties, I think they are too ugly, and removing them only affects how you see the scrollbars in Firefox (which doesn't affect functionality).

( 27 Aug 2024 )

Uploaded the archive of F+F to here because Wayback Machine is load a bit slow and also I am afraid Divsel's archive will suddenly be deleted too like the original F+F archive

( 25 Aug 2024 )

Added Shimeji page!

( 25 Aug 2024 )

Edited Lavender, Cosmos and Jaspers' refs, I keep forgetting to note down the updates

Some quality life changes in the Newest Content box

( 23 Aug 2024 )

Character info modified, especially Mira, her bio is so outdated

( 4 Aug 2024 )

More update logs here